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A Time to Brush Up Old Dusty Resolutions!
Winter is catching up steady and strong, and well it should when New
Year is here. Belated Christmas wishes and a wonderful 2017 to all of you!
So, New Year is here and a week from now I'll turn a year
older, or should I say younger, as the catch phrase goes these days! It is also
that time of the year when every post I read online reminds me of something I
hardly want to - how terribly I failed at keeping up with last year's
Where do you stand with your last year's resolutions? Do you have any
this year?
I stand exactly where that "famous" quote says -
"I am not perfect and there are things I need to solve.
Among them what I dread the most is I lack resolve".
--- Radzie " (well, yes, it's my own quote :P)
What makes it even more dreadful is that I know it and accept it! It is
just a matter of choice and making up my mind, and I do that for all things
that matter less. But, the things that matter the most? I shrug! Because, I
know the decision will affect me and only me. Probably, this is where I need to
change. May be, I should matter more!
One of the resolutions I took last year was to make more time for self,
whatever the circumstances may be. So -
- I joined a fitness circle and surprisingly I'm lingering on - the
credit goes to the "the gem of a group" I work-out with!
- I tried
getting back to my passions - writing, photography and baking - I managed to
give a better shot at it than I have ever done in the past years.
- I got around,
made good friends and spent time with better ones - in the bargain, I made many
beautiful ties for life.
- I found more time for family (here I do not include
him, because I always find time for him) - I did a couple of very short
travels, which I normally avoid, just to be there for certain special days of
people who matter to me.
Still, while doing all these, I gave in a number of times, much more
than I actually tried getting back. I also gave quite many in the list a miss. Why,
because I lacked resolve!
When as I welcome 2017, with all those plans and desires in mind, I
worry, I do not surrender to this weakness yet again! I clearly have no idea
how not to, maybe I'll just have to have enough resolve to stay resolved! Or,
I'll just wait and watch, but until then I'll plot my resolutions for 2017 -
- Be good, do good and be kind
- Forget and forgive but remember and be wise
- Lead a humble, happy life full of love
- Spend more time with family and friends
- Meditate and focus to do better in life
- Make our special days memorable
- Start celebrating regional festivals at home
- Travel and travel more & capture great memories!
- Continue with my fitness regime
- Blog more often & cook and click more often
- Learn a new foreign language
- Learn cake decoration techniques
- Get back to drawing and painting
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