Back to the Hills Overlooking the Ocean...

Waking up to the sound of falling rain on the window shades, I couldn't have asked for a better start for a Sunday. I got up, brushed, grabbed my specks and peeked through the splits of thick red cotton curtains, still giving a hard time for the first rays of light trying to enter. Yes, I take pride in those curtains, sounds silly, but they are as old as our marriage and like us, still going strong! Until two years ago these adorned our living space, but with the usual wear and tear, it was only natural to have given them a permanent entry to our bedroom. Rain has now reduced to drizzles, still a heavy one that is. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and for the first time in the last 7 months, grated some fresh ginger to make piping hot ginger tea. Just as I took the first sip sitting on our garden side veranda and almost lost in the sound of rain, endless chirping of birds, overflowing pond and squirrels already getting busy for the day, I reached for my laptop and started writing this post! Ah, I wish for such moments every day.

Transfers have become indispensable, so much so that I get restless, if we stay put at a place for more than a year. Sometimes, to make peace with the restless self, I religiously change our home decor, seating arrangement and all that I can to render the house a new look. Sounds crazy, but that's the fun part about frequent movements; you get addicted to everything you may not have otherwise!

Does that give a good feel of why I went missing all this while? So, I am lost and found again, somewhere on the hills, overlooking the unforgettable blues of the Bay of Bengal! That sounds like a dream escapade, doesn't it?

It's two years since our last move and this one, for all reasons obvious, had much to look forward to. There were no apprehensions but anticipation, no uncertainties but only a strong sense of familiarity. And I knew the wait finally ended, as I watched the flight flew past the land by a few nautical miles over the mighty Bay of Bengal, only to take that familiar turn.  VoilĂ , the gorgeous Ramakrishna Mission beach stretch and my beloved city! A land I took as my own in the tender age of 24 and a fraternity I saw as family ever since. While waiting near the conveyor belt to collect our luggage, I looked around and said to myself, "Vizag, it so good to be back"!

3 years is a long time to be away from the exclusive Naval way of life and I'd started to believe those chivalrous days were gone. But to be greeted at the airport by two young men with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate proved me wrong; the sweetest gestures are the most unexpected!

The drive back to the base had memories flashing at every crossroads; everything refreshingly different and fascinatingly vibrant, all topped with a streak of belongingness. Back in the beautiful city of Vizag, change looks tangible, but all things familiar are right there intact. It seemed as if the city was given a new lease of life and I couldn't wait to explore more and walk down the memory lane all at the same time.

Another two weeks of stay in transit and we were finally allotted what most here call as "one of the best house". Were we lucky? Probably, yes. With a beautiful open space ahead, overlooking the city lights and a bit of the necklace stretch lining the beach far away, a tiny yet gorgeous piece of Eden all for ourselves complete with a rustic stone bench, variety of fruit trees, pond and a bbq pit; this had to be the best we could have asked for. Setting up the rest of it was fun and today we are almost settled, but with those usual unopened boxes here and there, and with God's grace, life looks pretty good.

Hoping for many beautiful memories here, many stronger bonds and all that God has in store for us, cheers to a new beginning and all good things to come!


  1. Beautifully expressed Ur love for Vizag!!!!

  2. I love reading ur blogs... And keep waiting for the next... Keep writing

  3. Can't wait to visit VIZAG n your house...view is breath taking n house decor looks very appealing n cosy...lovely read.

  4. Beautifully written : love to see the city.

  5. Lovely write up! !my vizag! !!
    Am vizagite! !


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